Peddlers of Misinformation (
And this is being used to (mis-)'educate' our children
I recently stumbled upon a short video, which was shared on X/Twitter. this is the video. It is ‘targeted‘ towards high school students. It is a beautiful animation, but it takes only 40 seconds to dip into the realm of misinformation.
The statement that these particles (m(od)RNA/LNP) get taken up by specialized immune cells , called Dendritic Cells, is false. How do I know? Well, let me show you how I approached the fuck-check of that video.
I first looked if I could find any studies showing the interactions between Lipid Nanoparticle and Dendritic Cells. And I found this one. The title was very promising: “mRNA-Loaded Lipid Nanoparticles Targeting Dendritic Cells for Cancer Immunotherapy“. My first reaction was: “Great here I get all the information I need to see if this video is not just making some hair brained assumptions.“.
This sentence looked promissing.
The results showed a clear correlation between particle size, uptake and gene expression activity in splenic DCs and indicated that a size range from 200 to 500 nm is appropriate for use in targeting splenic DCs.
Here I had something to work with! If the size of the Nanoparticles is in that range, that could mean that most of the LNPs get taken up by Dendritic Cells. So I tried to see what the size of the typical LNPs used in the two new modRNA/LNP drugs were.
What I found first was this. That was not very promising.
Maybe it was because the study was just a tiny bit too old? So I continued on with my search to answer the question whether the LNPs in those ‘vaccines‘ could actually be the right size to target the Dendritic Cells.
This was from January 2023, so fairly new and hopefully more enlightening. Surely the study would elucidate the chemical and physical properties of at least Comirnaty. The first worrisome disappointment was this:
Of particular concern is the presence in the formulation of the two functional excipients, ALC-0315 and ALC-0159, never used before in a medicinal product, nor registered in the European Pharmacopoeia, nor in the European C&L inventory. The current Safety Data Sheets of the manufacturer are omissive and non-compliant, especially with regard to the provisions of current European regulation on the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of nanomaterials
Well, that does not sound good at all! Here I was hoping to get the information on what size those LNPs would be, only to find a lot of missing information and the potential for a lot of problems!

So, this study was from January 2023. The Safety Data Sheet for Comirnaty does not contain ANY information on the particle size! How did this stuff get the approval to be injected into billions of arms again???
I recommend reading the above study. It is unbelievable that billions of doses were put into human beings of a product which CLEARLY did not comply with the relevant regulations. I recommend searching for the term ‘non-compliant‘. And I will leave you with the conclusion of the paper:
In conclusion, it is considered urgent and indispensable that an accurate and long-term study be carried out in the appropriate institutional, clinical or medico-legal seats, especially in relation to any causal or con-causal links between what is presented here and the wide pathological heterogeneity of serious or lethal adverse events that have occurred, or are occurring, after vaccinations, in order to adopt and expedite all appropriate corrective and preventive actions to protect public health, including discontinuing vaccinations with Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty PBS/Sucrose as soon as possible, in accordance with the precautionary principle, and in the light of Article 10 of the Nuremberg Code:
During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject
But back to the issue on whether those LNPs only target Dendritic Cells, cause that would be a very important point. Clearly no one wants to have their heart muscle cells, bone marrow or brain, etc. transfected and subsequently destroyed by your own immune system.
I have been sharing this table from documents that should have been in the public way early in the Pandemic. It took a judge to ‘sentence’ the FDA to produce those documents/information deemed of “Paramount importance“ (even Reuters quoted that!).
Some may remember the lie that the public was told about how those LNPs stay in the muscle of the arm. Well, it turns out, sometimes it is really useful to reread a study with a different question in mind. This is what I did and lo and behold this is what I found. Thank you Pfizer for putting important puzzle pieces into your studies.
Once intracellular, the [3H]-CHE does not recirculate and therefore allows assessment of distribution of the particles.
I had to read that sentence a couple of times, because at first sight I noticed it, but my brain had not made the connection.
Pfizer told the FDA in study #185350, that the LNPs would end up INSIDE the cells! And that is it! No need to look for particle size information, when Pfizer already stated, that the LNPS would transfect any cell and any tissue and organ they get in contact with.
The video with the title “How COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Work“ is Misinformation. And it is used to teach lies to our children. Now you know. But the worst part to me actually was that it was shared by Prof. Peter Doherty, Immunologist and Nobel Prize Winner.
Keep reading, rereading, ask questions and do not let anyone stop you from learning. If someone tells you “You do not understand this“, they are lying to you. All you need is information and time. Do not give up. Keep going.
As always, if you have more information, share in the comments.