Sorry! Hello? I do not know about you but for me the time to start writing is actually when I got up early and I am bottle feeding kittens without having had my first coffee… uhm… that does not sound right… Anyway! What I am trying to say is that sometimes it is good to read the comments to your posts. Sometimes you are kindly reminded of what it is you are supposed to do as a writer. You should be concerned about ‘where’ your readers ‘are’ and pick them up for the ride.
Having said that, let’s put that aside for a moment and get into the nitty gritty of the stuff that I feel like I need to expand on a little more. The last couple of days I was busy reading and writing on the Doctor’s Trial, trying to get at the things which, from my experience are not really highlighted all that much. The problem was that at some point Substack told me that I was running up against the limit for a post. That, it seems, caused some confusion for me.
I felt like I had to finish that piece and forgot to go in depth on some of it…. and by in depth I rather mean hinting to some of the extra ordinary connections… and yes, I deliberately wrote ‘extra’ and ‘ordinary’ and not extraordinary… frankly because I want to stress the ‘ordinary’ part.
The first thing I thought this morning before I had even started making coffee was this: Fritz Fischer, sentenced to life in prison. ‘Funny’ enough he ended up getting a cushy job at Boehringer Ingelheim. I mean, better than rotting in prison… right… was that what the judges thought? No, seriously, I really would love to know what the thoughts of the judges were, after 31st of January 1951.
That is one puzzle piece I am putting on the table… and now I am realizing that I had this whole analogy in my head and wanted to introduce you guys to it in my last post. And did not do it. So I guess here I go then. It’s a Puzzle! And it is a hard one! … Sorry, backing up a little here. What do I mean by ‘it‘? Well, …everything. Life, history… Humanity… all of it. And we all are puzzle pieces… and at the same time we, each one of us, have puzzle pieces the others may not have.
And I think for the longest time Humanity has been made up of puzzle-people that were running around with some pieces missing and at the same time being in possession of pieces that belonged to other puzzles and puzzle-people. What was missing was a place to finally lay it all out and start putting things together. We were all working on our own little corner, trying to find a piece that looked like a corner or maybe even just one of the sides. Maybe we had found a few pieces that looked like they belonged together and some managed to get a couple together and were looking for ways to share what they had assembled.
Back when one puzzle-person could show their results around. Sometimes just in their closest circles of family and friends, sometimes in bigger circles. With pictures and books, showing that little chunk they were able to fit together. Mostly that was a one-way communication. Sometimes some were able to get together and exchange some of the puzzle pieces in a more direct way.
But then something changed. It was like someone had brought in a gigantic table that oddly enough everyone could, even though it was gigantic, see every part of at any time. Suddenly all of he puzzle-people were able to instantly not only share their pieces and chunks, portions and fragments… and yes, I am just reading off of a thesaurus page… which actually happens to be on that table =;)
So now you might have already guessed what I think that table is: the Internet! … and now back to my puzzle pieces/fragments/sections/chunks/slices and samples.
In my last piece I shared a PDF I had found in the CIA Reading Room. I may have not been as precise in pointing that out, so here is the link to it. When you follow the link, you will get to the page where you can download the PDF and if you are very observant you will see that there is a lot of text on that page. You may wonder why that is. I will give my explanation. Go and open the PDF. try and search for something in it. My Reader tells me it cannot find anything.
That is why there is the entire text of the document on the page where you can download the PDF. Yes, the PDF will be openable in a Reader and you will be able to scroll through it and all, but it makes it sort of hard to work with, since you may want to search for specific names like ‘Boehringer’ (Ingelheim), or ‘Barbie’, or ‘Schwend’. And there you go. Now you understand why there is all that text on the page where you can download the PDF. Do you wonder why the CIA did it that way? Do you think they knew that it would make things harder for people who wanted to do some research?
Just on the side, there are way of doing it differently. the Wayback-Machine has a better mechanism of uploading pictures as PDF. And if you need to, you can ,funny enough, use google drive to upload pictures and have Google do OCR (Optical Character Recognition) on it. It works fairly well from my own experience.
Ok, back to Fritz Fischer, Boehringer… and Klaus Barbie, Estrella, the US Army, I bet the Chemical Corps was actually meant here, the Vietnam War, Kurt Blome, Camp King and all the rest (that we may know of).
I am sorry, but every time I read the piece above, it makes my blood boil. In those 6 sentences (excluding the quotes), there are so many names that should not be there in the effing first place that… sorry… it distracts me. Before I forget, take note where the CIA filed this document under. It was not under the files from the Nazi Disclosure Act collection. It is filed under ‘General CIA Records‘. Again, think about this. Why would the CIA collect this? Is that issue 25 from 1985 the only issue of ‘Covert Action‘? To be honest, I have not looked, so that would be something you could do… =;)
Let me sprinkle in some more puzzle pieces. See if you can make some connections. Do you remember who overstepped his authorization to contact the Nazi leaders in Italy towards the end of the war? Have you heard of Operation Sunrise? Someone who later became director of the CIA? His name almost sounds like it would be well worth forgetting because it is so uninteresting. No, I am not going to say it, you can guess, I trust you, you can get it.
If you are still struggling here is another puzzle piece that may help you out.
Now why would Allen Dulles by ‘scared‘ of a closer look at who the CIA harbors? … come on… you can get there… of course this is purely speculation from my side… Ahem.
And now that I have had my coffee and other things keep creeping into my mind… stuff I need to do, I will again, finish this post short. Not without leaving another few pieces on the table though. I mean we are living in times of Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation. Times where the government agencies have to ‘intervene‘ … is that the right word for what they did when they pointed out to private entities how some people were in breach of their terms of service?
So let me just make sure, that you understand that there is a lot of information out there… lets call some of it ‘Rumors’, and that you should only TRUST those well intentioned government agencies.

And because I think you deserve it
Have a good one puzzle-people =8) and I am open to suggestions about what to put after the three dots “The bigger the Coinkidink, the…“.