The Doctors' Trial - a short 'sight-seeing' tour of what became of some of the criminals
Things I wished more people knew (spoiler there is still a ton I do not know too!)
If you have not read it, please go first to Dr. McCullogh’ substack and read his newest post. I am not a subscriber to his Substack, so I cannot read everything he has written. Please keep this in mind when you continue on here. I may be writing this stuff and Dr. McCullough already presented all of this exhaustively to you. Yet, it might also be new and hopefully I can add some more pieces of information for your consideration to his piece.
As you can see, I took the picture he used in his piece and added a little marker around the name Blome. I will get back to this later. Dr. McCullough starts his post by giving some background information on what the Nuremberg trial that dealt with doctors was. You can look at the historical documents here and I do advice to go ahead and at least read the indictments. The information in there may or may not be relevant in the future… at least for those that were not executed after having been found guilty.
And basically that is as far as I can read without a subscription. I will concentrate on the 9 who did not get acquitted and got sentenced to life in prison or 10-20 years. In all of those case, every. single. one. of them walked free way ahead of their time served. I want you to take a deep breath now. Blank your mind. Relax. Come back and concentrate. Read this sentence again: Each one of the persons sentenced for their crimes against humanity were pardoned early.
Helmut Poppendick, sentenced to 10 years in prison was pardoned 31. January by John J. McCloy. Wilhelm Beiglböck, sentenced to 15 years in prison. His sentence was reduced on the 31st of January 1951 to 10 years in prison then on 15th December 1951 was released by John J. McCloy. Herta Oberheuser, sentenced to 20 years in prison. Her sentence was reduced to 10 years on 31st of January 1951 and she was released 4th April 1952. Hermann Becker-Freyseng, sentenced to 25 years in prison. His sentenced was reduced to 10 years in prison on 31st of January 1951 by John J. McCloy. He was released on 20thof November 1952. Oskar Schröder, was sentenced to life in prison. His sentence was reduced to 15 years in prison on 31st of January 1951 by John J. McCloy. He was released early on 1st of April 1954. Gerhard Rose, sentenced to life in prison. His sentence was reduced to 15 years in prison on 31st of January 1951 by John J. McCloy. He was released early on 3rd of June 1955. Siegfried Handloser, sentenced to life in prison. His sentence was reduced to 20 years in prison on 31st of January 1951 by John J. McCloy. He was released early on 1955 because of his bad health. Karl Grenzken, sentenced to life in prison. His sentence was reduced to 20 years in prison on 31st of January 1951 by John J. McCloy. He was released early on 17th of April 1954. Fritz Fischer, sentenced to life in prison. His sentence was reduced to 10 years in prison on 31st of January by John J. McCloy. He was released early on 1st of April 1954.
Now I will go and show you the things I have found for the majority of those whose sentence had been reduce by John J. McCloy. Btw, those were not the only ones who got their sentence reduced and subsequently were release early. There were also other US trials, like the 489 Military tribunal processes in Dachau. And of course France, Britain and other countries also held their own trials and military tribunals. See here (including some rather depressing/unsettling information).
Before I go ahead and look at some of the above individuals more closely, some background on why John J. McCloy may have done what he did. All of the people tried and sentenced in the Doctor’s Trial were held in the Landsberg Prison. McCloy supposedly got a lot of pressure to free the people being held in Landsberg and to not carry out the executions. It is said he even received death threats (my question would be from whom?). On 7th of January 1951 there was a gathering of a couple of thousands people in front of the prison asking for leniency for the prisoners. There were two speakers. One was a high ranking member of the CSU, Richard Jaeger. From 1953 to 1965 and from 1967 to 1976 he was Vice-president of the German Bundestag and from 1965 to 1966 he was the federal minister for justice. He was also a member of the SA since 1933 (according to a response from the German Bundestag from 14. 12. 2011, page 13). On a side note, he was also an early member of CEDI (Centre européen de documentation et d'information), and later president of said ‘Center‘.
Hermann Becker-Freyseng

Oskar Schröder
Oskar Schröder was the Chief Medical Officer of the Luftwaffe from early 1944 and took this office from his superior Erich Hippke who had been holding that position from 1937 and who was the person that came up with the idea of the “freezing experiments“. I will get back to Hippke further down.
Gerhard Rose
There is some more interesting information to be found on Rose. Including him pointing out that Walter Paul Schreiber was not under the defendants. Schreiber worked with the CIC after WWII. Became a doctor at Camp King (also known as European Intelligence Center or sometimes as 7707th EUCOM Intelligence Center), as one of the “Paper Clips“ he went to the US in 1951 and worked at the Randolph Air Force base in Texas. It became known to the public that he had come to the US and the JIOA tried to smooth things over and helped him to get visas to move to Argentina.
Fritz Fischer
Good scientists were so hard to find after WWII, so Boehringer Ingelheim had to scrap the bottom of the barrel and get themselves a member of the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler, a convicted war criminal, who experimented on female KZ prisoners.
But what about Blome you might say? You remember I put a red square around him in the picture at the top of the article? He was acquitted. Cause obviously the buck stops not at the top… Blome was highly sought after actually, by Alsos and the OSS. It might have been a shame, if he had been convicted and either had died or had been locked behind bars for who knows how long. “Luckily” that was not the case. After having already worked with the Brits in Operation Matchbox on top-secret biological weapons… uhm… he agreed to also work with the US. He was to join the Army Chemical Corps to work on Project 63. The American Consul in Frankfurt however did not allow Blome to leave Germany, so the US had to come up with a different arrangement.
Blome became the successor of Walter Paul Schreiber at Camp King. Supposedly there is an actual contract document at the DoD (DA-91-501) but weirdly enough I have not been able to confirm that… maybe it has something to do with what he worked on? Project 1975? We do not know to this day. Someone else tried to get more information on him from the CIA in 2014. Unsuccessful. So much transparency! Well, at least the CIA has some documents that one can look at online. I do spent quite some time there in that reading room, actually.
That is where I found this document, which the CIA at the time found important enough to get a copy of for their files. One must know what the opposition knows about you, no?
It is an overall interesting read. Back in the days it would not have reached a lot of people. Today it does. Today you have a small chance to peak behind what you were told about Nazis and about how the Allies (mostly the Western of course… in todays climate that is what one should say anyway) won. The Nazis were history. Except for those which were useful tools.
Like that Barbie guy who, it seems was busy in Bolivia opening a company by the name Estrella and exporting quinquina bark. Yeah, I also never heard of quinquina before. Nor did I know that it is used to make quinine… Boehringer Ingelheim though new. You know the pharma company that hired Fritz Fischer? And who did Boehringer Ingelheim sell that quinine to, during the Vietnam war? None other than the US Army, likely the Chemical Corps. What a coinkidink. I wonder who knew who.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention, what the US president Truman, when he signed the ‘OK‘ for Operation Paperclip…
Must have not had the ear of everyone involved I guess.
I was asked whether I believe the Nuremberg Trials to have been theater. I do not believe they were theater. I think all that I have read points to the fact that they were theater.
By the way, what do you call the people that enlisted monsters? And no, the US were not alone in this. Here is another article for your perusal. And do take note of this and have fun watching this video… pay attention to the ‘center‘… and before I forget: Look up Tar O’Toole, US Energy Department, center for Health Security, SPARS Pandemic… all the fun stuff.
Oh and I found another interesting video which mentions a ‘Center‘. What is it with universities and ‘centers‘ run by ‘former‘ government employees?
I probably forgot to mention a ton of “fun“ connections again… but there should be plenty for everyone to dig in. maybe starting with the other Nuremberg trials. Even though I do not think them more than limited hangout, it is a point to start at. And then ask why we do not know more about how many Nazis the British, the French protected in their services.
One last one: Milch Trial… Oskar Schröder -> Erich Hippke -> Erhard Milch -> Göring…
Remember Hippke? Supposedly he was not charged in the Doctor’s Trial because it was not known where he was at that time (seems no one has ever heard of sentencing someone in absentia (except for the French Military in Marseille it seems)… but maybe this was all just for SHOW?). But he was a witness in the Milch Trial… I will let you figure that one out =;)
This is startling! Surely the infamous nazi-hunters knew about all the commuted/pardoned sentences, and the ones that got away without a judicial scratch! Elie Weisenthal Center(sp)????? That institution, by the way, spoke out about the Canadian parliament situation and clarified that the old ukrainian soldier really was SS, really did volunteer, was a true-blue Nazi.